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Explore the development path of China's huge valve market in the future


In recent years, with the rapid growth of the national economy, the industry has been further standardized at the same time, the industry has also been rapid development. Needle valve industry as a traditional machinery manufacturing industry, for other related industries to provide necessary equipment. Some valve enterprises also take advantage of the economic tide, increase the research and development of new products, adjust the industrial structure, has developed a number of competitive products in the market.

According to the scientific concept of development, in order to ensure the coordinated economic development and improve people's lives in the future, China will inevitably put infrastructure construction, such as water, electricity, gas and heat, on top of the list of priorities. This is exactly where the valve comes in. The first is China's South-to-North Water Diversion project. Within 70 kilometers from the suburbs of Beijing to the urban area, the amount of valve procurement is as high as tens of millions of yuan, so the demand for valves in the whole south-to-North water diversion project can be imagined. Secondly, to solve the problem of electricity shortage, large-scale construction of hydropower projects is not only a top priority for the Chinese government, but also a long-term task.

In addition, there are many projects such as west-east gas transmission, old industrial base reconstruction, urban pipe network construction, residential buildings, sewage treatment, farmland water conservancy and so on, which will explode the huge demand of valve market.

However, in the face of such a huge future market, China's valve manufacturers can eat from the number of orders in the competition with foreign capital, their gap in the end how big these issues, I am afraid that the Chinese valve manufacturers are the most concerned.

First, the gap in brand influence. According to the data, many foreign valve manufacturing enterprises in various professional fields, its brand effectiveness has been obviously ahead of the domestic enterprises. In the water treatment industry, including Germany, the United States and other major brands have established the market leadership; In electricity, the United States is the absolute leader. In the petrochemical industry, you can see American and Japanese brands everywhere. Under high pressure, engineers think first of established German manufacturers.

Second, the gap in industrial structure. Our country needle valve production enterprise scale is too small, the industry concentration is too low. According to the data, at present, there are about more than 3000 valve manufacturing enterprises in China, ranking the first in the world. However, most of them are low-level, small-scale and family-workshop enterprises, with less than 500 enterprises with annual sales revenue of 5 million yuan, only a dozen enterprises with annual sales revenue of more than 100 million yuan, and the total market share of the top 10 enterprises is only 8% ~ 9%. Due to the low concentration of the industry, resulting in backward technology, low price competition, lack of influential brands and other adverse factors, so that the huge Chinese valve market has not been a real brand.

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